Sunday, September 28, 2014

Blog 3: Evolving From Television to Social Media

            Marketing strategies have evolved immensely over the years.  From the days when advertisements were only seen through published documents or the first ever advertisement shown on television, it can be clearly seen that marketing strategies are changing all the time.  These changes can be credited to many factors such as technological changes and improvements, the changes in interests of consumers, or even a change in how our consumers are raised.  Below you will find a link to the first commercial shown on television.  View the commercial and think to yourself, am I interested enough to learn more?

            When this advertisement was first shown it was most likely very popular due to the fact that there had been nothing of this sort created at the time.  However, due to changes in consumer’s interests, this would most likely not gain interest today.  Many consumers today are interested in the TV commercial with the loudest music, or the funniest skit, or the brightest colors, or the most fancy product.  We were raised on commercials like this, thus our interest.  For example, view this link to see a modern day commercial and note the major differences between television commercials in 1941 to today. .It makes me wonder how much more we can evolve in the segment of TV advertising.  This brings me to one of my main points in this article.  Are consumers becoming less interested in long television commercials and leaning more towards short advertisements on social media?

            I recently read an article that I thought would be interesting to share with the readers of this blog.  They state in the article, Such platforms are suited to this age of ADD, he adds, when the best way to reach someone is in those "in-between" moments when they're flipping through content on a mobile device.”  This rings true because of the constant “on the go” mentality people uphold.  No longer do most people sit watching TV on their break.  I, for one, have noticed this tactic through my twitter and Facebook accounts where advertisements are put in random areas in between a number of posts.  It is very difficult to miss these advertisements, which is a plus for companies using this marketing strategy.  They are more likely to check social media on a computer or mobile device.  Thus while checking this social media they will see the same advertisements as those watching TV, just in a quicker form.  I’m sure we can all relate to the annoying commercials that come on the TV and all you can think to do is change the channel but you find another long commercial you don’t want to sit through.   These advertisements on social media are short, sweet, and to the point and all you have to do if you are not interested in them is scroll past it.  The likelihood of a consumer seeing an advertisement via social media can be greater due to the portability of a mobile device and the ability to essentially look at social media anytime you want.  With the ever-changing technological forces in marketing, social media is becoming one of the most pre- dominant ways to get in contact with someone.  Marketing through these services can greatly increase the success of companies, allowing them to reach out to more consumers.  Below is a link to the article:

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