Sunday, September 14, 2014

Blog 1: Marketing, St. Mikes, and the Real World

Marketing, one could argue, is the sole purpose businesses all over the world are successful.  Without advertisement businesses would not be able to promote their product to society and if the public is not aware of a company’s item it will not be bought which will then lead to a decrease in profit for a company.  To me this impact in which marketing has on businesses is phenomenal because it can be so simple as a piece of paper advertising for lawn care or a massive billboard on the side of the interstate attracting the eye of curious drivers.  To be apart of this major area of business seems fascinating.
Being enrolled at St. Michaels College as a business major it enables the business student to learn the aspects of business in their freshmen year allowing them to choose a concentration in later years.  Going in as a declared business major I was enrolled in an introduction business course to learn about each area of business.  After becoming interested in the marketing portion of business I decided to take the second level marketing course which seems to be both demanding and interesting at the same time.  A main point in marketing is presentation and this is incorporated every day in class.  Each class begins with three students each presenting either a TED talk or an ad of their choice.  By doing this it allows students to work on presentation skills, which are very important after college.  Whether it is at a job interview or a product promotion, presentation skills are a must.  Another project in class is the group project in which we will work in groups of four to successfully create and market a backpack.  In my eyes these hands on projects are what helps students get a feel for working in the real world.  By working in groups it allows each individual to work on collaboration skills and by having to actually market a product is the best training for any student interested in entering the marketing field of business.  The last project in the course has to do with the very blog in which you are reading.  By creating a blog it allows students to get used to social media, connecting with society, and ultimately can lead to a better businessperson.  Business in general, especially marketing is being geared more towards the technological sector these days.  By having the skills to promote via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or blogging it is one more tool a marketer can use to get through to potential customers or followers.  Incorporating these projects into a course can greatly improve the knowledge and savvy of potential marketers in the business world.
One goal I have for this summer is to get a job in the marketing field or maybe create a better marketing system for my current job.  The restaurant currently utilizes small newspaper ads, however I believe with better social media advertisement and maybe even commercials on local TV stations, our profits could increase due to the increase in customers if the marketing works properly.  I feel as though the marketing course mentioned above can help motivate me to help my current job and increase my knowledge of the marketing field and help me as a future businessman.

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